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    Academy  Horse  / Feeding / Minerales

      The function of minerals in the body 


        Let's start with macrominerals, the ones that the horse needs to consume in larger amounts. The need for macrominerals is determined by the horse's weight, the work it performs, and whether it is pregnant or lactating. The requirement for macrominerals is calculated in grams per 100 kg of body weight. 

        Calcium (Ca)

        An adult horse contains approximately 1.5 kg of calcium per 100 kg of body weight, with the largest amount found in the skeleton. Calcium is an important mineral for building bones, blood clotting, muscle function, and energy metabolism in cells. The maintenance requirement for calcium is based on the fact that a horse loses about 2 g per 100 kg of body weight per day through feces and urine. The maintenance requirement for an adult horse is 4 g per 100 kg of body weight. Pregnant and lactating mares, as well as younger horses, have a greater need for calcium. Calcium should be fed in balance with phosphorus. 

        Calcium deficiency primarily affects the skeleton and can lead to issues such as osteoporosis. In young growing horses, a calcium deficiency can cause the skeleton to develop improperly, potentially leading to future bone and joint problems. Calcium deficiency can also cause the motor nerves to become overstimulated, resulting in muscle cramps.

        Phosphorus (P)

        Phosphorus is important for the skeleton, teeth, and energy metabolism in cells. The maintenance requirement for phosphorus is 2.8 g per 100 kg of body weight, and it is estimated that the horse loses about 1 g of phosphorus per 100 kg of body weight per day through feces and urine. Phosphorus should be fed in balance with calcium.

        A phosphorus deficiency can lead to brittle bones, and if the deficiency continues for an extended period, it can also cause reduced appetite, growth, and fertility. If the horse has too high an intake of iron, zinc, and magnesium, phosphorus absorption can be inhibited. If the horse receives too much phosphorus, it can prevent the body from absorbing calcium and may cause a calcium deficiency. 

        Mineraler för häst | Trikem Academy

        The calcium-to-phosphorus ratio

        All horses should consume more calcium than phosphorus. A suitable calcium-to-phosphorus ratio is 1,2:1 to 1,8:1. This is especially important for younger and growing animals that are in the process of developing and establishing their skeletons

        If the calcium-to-phosphorus ratio is out of balance and the horse consumes more phosphorus than calcium, the horse will begin to take from its mineral reserves. The largest reserve is the skeleton, and with an excess of phosphorus, there is a risk that the skeleton will be depleted.

        Natrium (Na)

        Sodium is important for the body's electrolyte and fluid balance, as well as for the function of nerve and muscle cells. The horse loses about 1.5 g of sodium per 100 kg of body weight per day through sweating. Sodium must be supplied through a supplement feed, as forage does not contain enough to meet the horse's daily needs. Some horses can meet their sodium requirements through a salt block, but horses that work regularly and sweat frequently should be given a salt supplement via their feed. Salt intake is the only mineral need that some horses can regulate themselves. Horses that do not like salt will not supply themselves with their daily requirement, and in those cases, we cannot rely on the salt block, so we must provide salt through their feed.

        If a sodium deficiency occurs, the risk of colic increases as horses with sodium deficiency drink less. Sodium deficiency can also play a crucial role in certain muscle disorders, such as overtraining syndrome and tying-up.

        Potassium (K)

        Potassium is an important mineral for the body's fluid balance, and horses lose a significant amount of potassium when they sweat. Potassium is involved in several enzymes that regulate energy and phosphorus metabolism in cells. There is also new research indicating that the concentration of potassium in cells plays a role in why we feel tired during physical exertion, which is commonly referred to as lactic acid in everyday language. Forage is very rich in potassium, and horses often meet their potassium needs through forage.

        A potassium deficiency is rare since forage generally contains a higher amount. However, if the horse suffers from diarrhea or kidney problems, a potassium deficiency can occur, leading to reduced appetite, weight loss, and lethargy. Potassium deficiency occurs more quickly in young individuals with these issues than in older horses.

        Magnesium (Mg)

        Magnesium is essential for muscle function and several different enzymes in the body. The horse loses about 0.6 g of magnesium per 100 kg of body weight through feces and urine, but even more importantly, the horse loses magnesium through sweat. Therefore, it is important to remember to replenish magnesium after the horse has sweated.

        A magnesium deficiency will affect the horse's muscle and nervous system. Severe deficiency can lead to impaired muscle function and muscle twitching. Magnesium deficiency can also cause sweating, and in severe cases, it can lead to labored breathing and arrhythmias (irregularities in the heart rhythm).

        Mineraler till häst | Trikem Academy


                              Microminerals or trace elements are those that are needed in smaller amounts, and the daily requirement is based on milligrams per 100 kg of body weight.

                              Iron (Fe)

                              60% of the iron in a horse's body is found in the hemoglobin of red blood cells. In the case of significant bleeding or parasite infestations, the body can lose iron. An iron deficiency will lead to anemia (a lack of red blood cells), but iron deficiency in horses is very rare and almost only occurs after a significant bleed or a severe parasite attack

                              Copper (Cu)

                              Copper is active in enzymatic activities and plays an important role in the body's mobilization of iron reserves and also contributes to hemoglobin formation. The body's ability to absorb copper is limited and can be inhibited if certain other microminerals are present in excessive concentrations. If the horse receives too little copper in its diet, pigment changes may occur, and in severe cases, anemia. Copper is also important for the foal's skeletal development. There are indications of a connection between copper deficiency and the occurrence of loose bone fragments, especially in younger horses.

                              Mineraler för god hovkvalitet | Trikem Academy

                              Zinc (Zn)

                              Zinc is a mineral that is very active in several different enzymes. Zinc is important for carbohydrate and protein metabolism. It is crucial for the formation of keratin in the skin, coat, hooves, mucous membranes, and gene formation. If the horse suffers from a zinc deficiency, it may manifest as a weakened immune system, skin and coat issues such as recurrent scratches and eczema, or poor hoof quality.

                              Manganese (Mn)

                              Mangan is essential for the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats, and it helps protect cells against free radicals. Mangan is also necessary for the formation of cartilage. The potential effects of a manganese deficiency in horses have not yet been studied. What is known today is that manganese appears to affect the foal's development, particularly the development of the skeleton and tendons..

                              Iodine (I)

                              Iodine is crucial for the horse to produce thyroid hormone. It is especially important for pregnant mares, as they should neither be over- nor under-fed with iodine, as this can lead to stillbirths or weak foals with goiter

                              Cobolt (Co)

                              Cobalt is required for the microbes in the horse's gut to be able to produce vitamin B12, which is necessary for the production of red blood cells. A cobalt deficiency can lead to the horse losing its appetite, having a dull coat, and in severe cases, it can result in anemia.

                              Selenium (Se)

                              Selenium is important for cell membranes and muscle cells. Selenium works together with vitamin E, and they can partly replace each other. A selenium deficiency manifests early as reduced coat quality, but many horse owners notice it only when it affects the horse's muscles. A selenium deficiency can cause muscle inflammations or weak, atrophied muscles. An excess of selenium in the diet can cause poisoning

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